Curing Salmon


Posted by wendy | Posted in expat life | Posted on 12-09-2011

Wow, the title of this post make it sound like I cure a salmon from a disease or something. But at last, this is not the case. In this case we ate him (her?!)

The foods I miss a lot about CA is sushi, taco truck, and ramen. Not necessary in any order. But I love them so much. It is hard to get good sushi here in restaurants. We tried a few and the fish that were severed looked like they died went to heaven and came back and died again.

So imaging my happiness when I saw a recipe for curing salmon! Salmon is very very good here, but like everyone I am afraid of catching a new best friend by eating it raw. This is like the best of 2 worlds and so easy to do too!

And this deliciousness is what you end up with!

This is what you need to make this magic happen:

  • 3 large tablespoon Maldon sea salt – Hunt this down if you have to it’s the best salt ever.
  • 3 tsps caster sugar
  • Zest of 1 lime, 1 lemon, 1 orange
  • Lots of black pepper
  • 800g salmon fillets (Skinless and boneless)


  • Get a big ziplock bag and chuck in the salt, sugar, lime, lemon, orange zest.
  • Shake it and mix it well.
  • Cut up the salmon fillets in bite size chunks.
  • Throw the salmon in the bag
  • Add the black pepper
  • Shake shake shake the bag. (This recipe is yummy as well as get you some exercise)
  • Shake until everything is mixed.
  • Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. (Remember you don’t want a new buddy in your tummy! Be patience.)

After it’ll look something like this.

When you are ready to eat these meaty goodness, rinse them off (to get the slime and zests of) and dry them with a tea towel or whatever paper towel you got on hand. Put everything back in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat them.

If you are super awesome and want to do more you can make an avo puree to go with it. I got some avo and they were hard. I thought I’d just blend them but my plan failed. They are now just like little chunks. Yuck. I guess there’s a reason why you eat ripe avocados. (BTW, each avocado here is like 2 Euros!!)

Anyway to make the avo puree,

  • 2 Avocados
  • 2 limes
  • Wasabi
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Purees the avocados with lime juice, wasabi, and season with salt and pepper. Smear it on a plate.

To mix the soy and ginger dipping,

  • 50 ml Soy Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon grate some ginger
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Mix it all together and put it in a bowl.

Eat until you can’t eat no more!

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