The Color of Number 2 Pencil


Posted by wendy | Posted in blog | Posted on 02-08-2008

Sometime last week as we were driving by Downtown I saw this


(note, this coat looks better in person! )

I meant to go to the store and check it out, but I have been pretty busy this week at work so I didn’t have a lot of time to go shopping.

Anyway, last night after dinner downtown I dropped by the store to see the coat. But they were closing. The coat looked smashing in the shop window.

The Mr and I decided to walked downtown to get a cup of coffee and get out of the house. I made him go to the shop with me. The coat is beautiful. I normally don’t go for a bright color, but it’s so pretty. And after the lady described the color as “color of number 2 pencil” I was sold.

I can’t wait to wear it around.

But I was not only person who had fun today. After coat shopping we decided to drop by the Celtic shop to get some Gooseberry Jam. But they ran out. I think the shop lady was surprised that Mr was into this type of jam. (not a popular item?) So they got talking, and turned out the shop lady was from Ireland too. I don’t think I have ever seen Mr so chatty! We end up getting some Strawberry Jam. The Shop Lady said she’ll order some for us.

Downtown Campbell has changed, there are more nice stores and getting crowded. It’s good to see the town grow.

I was sad to move away from Santa Cruz, but being able to walk down town (to pick up some jam, new coat, coffee, dinner, yarn, etc) is so nice I wouldn’t trade this for anything.

Ok maybe like a grocery store, but hopefully some day that will happen.

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