Memorial Day Weekend – Day 1


Posted by wendy | Posted in blog | Posted on 28-05-2008

This memorial day weekend was done pretty haphazardly. We decided we are going to go see the Airplane Graveyard in Mojave but that’s about s far as our planning went.

For the past few years, we typically hang out with my friend’s Family Reunion Camping trip, but this year I didn’t get my act together. Considering that my friend’s family typically take care of everything, not being able to make it this year was not a small feat on my part. (He even called me to remind me! Again, I didn’t call him back. Just to reiterate on previous posts, if I don’t call you back, it’s not you it’s me! Keep calling!) It was a total miracle that we got our act together to put the dog away, clean the cat box, book a hotel room for Friday night, pack bags, and pick an end destination!

There were 2 goals for this trip, first one was to end up in Mojave (of course!) and then the 2nd one was to take photo of gas station along the way. I have a GPS device that map gps data to photos so I thought it would be pretty neat to like have a map of photos of gas station on the map.

Next time, the Mr and I agreed that we should take picture of water towers, because we saw A LOT of them along the way. Plus we have a Campbell water tower so, it would be a nice set.

Anyway! We started driving on Friday night and ended in the good city of Firebaugh, Jewel of San Joaquin! We hit a lot of traffic, a 2 hour trip turned out a bit longer than anticipated. We got there pretty late (10 or so?) so we didn’t have time to look around.

That was the first day. Not too exciting, mostly just driving through endless nothingness.

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